According to injunctions from the Heads of Colleges, I went (among the rest) to the Confirmation at St. Mary’s, where, after sermon, the Bishop of Oxford laid his hands upon us, with the usual form of benediction prescribed: but this received (I fear) for the more part out of curiosity, rather than with that due preparation and advice which had been requisite, could not be so effectual as otherwise that admirable and useful institution might have been, and as I have since deplored it.
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I went back to Oxford.
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Accompanied with one Mr. J. Crafford ((He is not mentioned again in the diary. (Austin Dobson footnote) )) (who afterward being my fellow-traveler in Italy, there changed his religion), I took a journey of pleasure to see the Somersetshire baths, Bristol, Cirencester, Malmesbury, Abington, and divers other towns of lesser note; and returned the 25th.
Came back to Oxford, after my tedious indisposition, and to the infinite loss of my time; and now I began to look upon the rudiments of music, in which I afterward arrived to some formal knowledge, though to small perfection of hand, because I was so frequently diverted with inclinations to newer trifles.
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[continues from previous entry] About the beginning of September, I was so afflicted with a quartan ague ((Fever which reoccurred every fourth day, probably influenza.)), that I could by no means get rid of it till the December following. This was the fatal year wherein the rebellious Scots opposed the King, upon the pretense of the introduction of some new ceremonies and the Book of Common Prayer ((The Liturgy or “The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other parts of Divine Service for the use of the Church of Scotland” was published at Edinburgh in 1637. This, together with the Canons published in 1636, aimed at introducing the high church. All elements of society rebelled against this and together signed the “National Covenant,” which supported a reformed religion of Scotland, and rejected other religions. Later in 1639, Episcopacy and the prayer-book were banned in Scotland.)), and madly began our confusions, and their own destruction, too, as it proved in event ((as it proved in the event: This passage appears first in the edition of 1850; but Evelyn saw reason afterwards somewhat to change his tone. See post, under 4th February, 1685 [Not yet published in on this website]. – Footnote by Austin Dobson )).
… [continues from previous entry] and, on the 2d of August, to Portsmouth, and thence, having surveyed the fortifications (a great rarity in that blessed halcyon time in England), we passed into the Isle of Wight, to the house of my Lady Richards, in a place called Yaverland ((Yaverland: A village on Sandown Bay. (Footnote by Austin Dobson) )) but were turned the following day to Chichester, where, having viewed the city and fair cathedral, we returned home.
I went home to visit my friends, and, on the 26th, with my brother and sister to Lewes, where we abode till the 31st; and thence to one Mr. Michael’s, of Houghton, near Arundel, where we were very well treated; [continues in following post]
My father ordered that I should begin to manage my own expenses, which till then my tutor had done; at which I was much satisfied.
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One Mr. Wariner preached in our chapel; and, on the 25th, Mr. Wentworth, a kinsman of the Earl of Strafford; after which followed the blessed Sacrament.
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I would needs be admitted into the dancing and vaulting schools; of which late activity one Stokes, the master, did afterward set forth a pretty book ((Footnote by Austin Dobson: Now extremely scarce. Its title is:
“The Vaulting-Master: or, The Art of Vaulting. Reduced to a Method, comprized under certaine Rules, Illustrated by Examples, And Now primarily set forth, by Will: Stokes. Printed for Richard Davis, in Oxon, 1652.”
It is a small oblong quarto, with the author’s portrait prefixed, and a number of plates beautifully engraved (most probably by George Glover), representing feats of activity on horseback.)), which was published, with many witty elogies before it.
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