Regular posts from the diary of John Evelyn

Albury Park, Surrey


Albury Park is a country park and historic country house (Albury Park Mansion) in Surrey, England. It covers over 150 acres (0.61 km2); within this area is the old village of Albury, which consists of three or four houses and a church.

“Albury (State 2)”- by Wenceslaus Hollar (circa 1645)

From a footnote by Austin Dobson:

“Albury Park, Guildford, Surrey, at this date the seat of the Howards. From the Howards it passed to the Finches, and in 1819 was bought by Mr. Drummond. It now belongs to the Duke of Northumberland, to whose family it came by marriage with the Drummonds.”


The grounds of Albury Park were laid out by Evelyn between 1655 and 1677.  The London’s lost garden website gives a comprehensive report on the current state of the gardens.


Referring entries

Referring entries

Further reading


  • Wikipedia for background, image.


  1. Clive Lloyd

    I edit the Norfolk Gardens Trust Magazine and am preparing an article by Gillian Darley on John Evelyn’s Pleasure Garden in Norwich for the Duke of Norfolk. I am having some difficulty in finding appropriate images. From searches on the web I can find images of Sayes Court, Wotton and Albury but they are not of sufficiently high resolution for printing. I would be really grateful if you could point me towards larger files (>1MB), please, that I could either use or re-photograph from originals. Thank you.

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