Iv sent my sister my own picture ((This picture no longer exists -GS)) in water colors ((In the first and second editions of the Diary — says Forster — many trifling personal details, such as this mention of the author having sent his own picture in water-colours to his sister, were omitted, It is not necessary to point them out in detail. They are always of this personal character; as, among other examples, the mention of the wet weather preventing the diarist from stirring out (see post, 15th November), and that of his coming weary to his lodgings ( 6th November). –AD)), which she requested of me, and went to see divers of the fairest palaces of the town, as that of Vendôme, very large and stately; Lougueville; Guise; Condé; Chevereuse; Nevers, esteemed one of the best in Paris toward the river.

I often went to the Palais Cardinal, bequeathed by Richelieu to the King, on condition that it should be called by his name; at this time, the King resided in it, because of the building of the Louvre. It is a very noble house, though somewhat low; the galleries, paintings of the most illustrious persons of both sexes, the Queen’s baths, presence-chamber with its rich carved and gilded roof, theater, and large garden, in which is an ample fountain, grove, and mall, worthy of remark. Here I also frequently went to see them ride and exercise the great horse, especially at the Academy of Monsieur du Plessis, and de Veau ((It must have been at this establishment, or at that of Monsieur del Camp, which Evelyn mentions elsewhere, that he first made acquaintance with Thomas Butler, Earl of Ossory (see post, under 26th July, 1680). –AD)), whose schools of that art are frequented by the nobility; and here also young gentlemen are taught to fence, dance, play on music, and something in fortification and the mathematics ((This was the recognised curriculum. “I followed here (at Paris),” says Reresby in 1658, “the exercises of music, fencing, dancing and mathematics, as before” (Memoirs, 1875, p. 36). These accomplishments, according to Howell (Forreine Travels, 1642, Sect. iv.), could all be acquired for about 150 pistoles (£110), including lodging and diet. Reresby lived in a pension of the Isle du Palais (see ante, p. 29.).-AD)). The design is admirable, some keeping near a hundred brave horses, all managed to the great saddle.