
(P.P.C., 35 Belein)

“In dei nomini amen. The twenthe day of Januarie and in the forteth yeare of the Raigne of our most gratiouse Soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of God Queene of England Fraunce and Ireland, Defender of the Faith etc., I Georg Evelyn of Wotton in the County of Surrey esquier being sicke of bodie but whole and in perfect of remembraunce praise be given unto God Do make ordaine and devise this for my p(rese)nte testament containinge therein my laste will in manner and fourme followinge, that is to saie, firste and principallie I com(m)ende my sowle into the handes of Almightie God my maker and Creator and to his sonne Jhesus Christe my onlie true saviour trustinge by his deathe and passion I hope to be saved.

And my bodie to be buried within the parrish Church of Wotton as aforesaide. Item I give unto threescore poore howsholders of the parryshe of Darkinge the some of three poundes of currant monie of Englande that is to sale, to everie howsholder twelve pence to be paide at their e dwellinge howses. And allso unto twentie howsholders of the parrishe of Wottoune the some of twentie shillinges that is to saie twelve pence a peece. And allso to thirtie poore howsholders of Abinger the some of thirtie shillinges that is to saie twelve pence everie howsholder as aforesaid. Allso to fortie poore howsholders of the parrishe of Sheere the some of fortie shillinges to be paide att their howses twelve pence a peece as aforesaid. Item I give unto everie one of my servauntes twentie shillings apeece.

Item I give unto Thomas Bysshopp and to his wife dwellinge at Claigate the some of fortie poundes of like monie of England. Item unto Henrie Tilte of the parrishe of Kingstone the some of tenne shillinges.

Item I give and bequeathe unto Katherine Eveline my daughter the some of five hundred poundes of good and lawfull monie of England which some of five hundreth poundes to be paide by my sonne John Eveline when that the said Katherine my daughter shall accomplishe and be of the full age of eightene yeares which said some of fower (sic) hundreth poundes the said John Evelyne hath receaved of my late ladie Davers or from her Assignes as a true debte from the saide ladie Davers to the onlie use of me the saide Georg Evelyn. And the other hundred of Mr. Edmondes for my woodd.

Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne John Evelin and to his heires forever all those parcelles of landes and one tennement with the appurtenaunces lyinge and being in Kingstone uppon Thames which late I purchased of Richard Hatton gent, and Thomas Stamforde of Thisselworthe now in the occupations of William Stawlton and Thomas Elmer and their assignes provided alwaies and uppon this condiction that the said John Eveline or his heires shall well and trulie paie unto the said Katherine my daughter the foresaide some of five hundred poundes as aforesaide when that she shall accomplishe the saide age of eightene yeares as aforesaide without fraude or deceipte yf that the saide Katherine shalbe then livinge.

And further that yf the saide John Eveline shall make default of the paimentof the saide some of five hundreth poundes to the saide Katherine at or before the time aforesaide that then I give and bequeathe unto the said Katherine my daughter and to her heires forever the said two parcells of landes and tennementes beforesaide lyinge and beinge in Kingstone uppon Thames aforesaide. And allso that my saide executors shall recover of the said John Eveline and of his heires or assignes the same some of five hundreth poundes before named by accion of debt.

And allso further I do give and bequeathe unto the said John Eveline my sonne and to his heires forever all that my mannor called Norlyngton Hall lying and being in Kingstone aforesaide. And allso all other my landes and tennementes lienge and being in Kingstone aforesaide to the saide John Eveline and to his heires forever excepte all my lande in Hooke and nine acres of arrable lande lyinge and beinge in a common feilde called Surbiton feilde in the occupation of my sonne Thomas Eveline his assignes which saide nine acres of lande I do give and bequeathe unto the saide Thomas Eveline and to his heires for ever. And item I give and bequeathe unto my sonne Richard Eveline and to the heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten forever all those my Mannor landes Tennementes and appurtenaunces to the same belonginge lienge and being in the parrishe of Abinger in the Countie of Surrey. And allso all other my landes and tennementes, whatsoever lieng and beinge in the saide parrishe of Abinger to the said Richard Eveline my sonne and to his heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten as aforesaide.

And allso further I give and bequeath to the said Richard Eveline one certaine lease and woodes lieng and being in East Clangdon in the saide Countie of Surry with all the tearme of yeares therein yet to come. And allso my verie minde and will is that Thomas Evelin, John Evelin, Robert Evelin and Richard Evelin shall have and enjoy all such landes and tennementes accordinge to theire severall estates made and mentioned in their saide severall Deedes thereof made by me foresaide Georg Eveline. And further I give and bequeathe more unto the saide Katherine my daughter the some of eight lundreth poundes of good and lawfull monie of Englande when that the saide Katherine shall accomplishe the full age of eightene yeares yf that she shall so longe live, which saide some of eight hundreth poundes shalbe paide to the saide Katherine at the time aforesaide by Robert Evelin my sonne.

And in consideration thereof that my saide sonne Robert doe well and trulie paie the saide some of eight hundreth poundes
I do freelie and clerelie forgive unto the saide Robert Evelin my sonne all other debtes and somes of monie whatsoever is
to me owing by the saide Robert at the daie of my death. Item I give unto Marie Hatton the wife of Richard Hatton gent, the some of one hundreth poundes of current monie of England to be paide unto the saide Marie or her assignes within one yeare next after my decease. Item I give and bequeathe unto Fraunces Hatton the daughter of the said Richard Hatton the some of one hundred poundes of like monie of England to be paid unto the saide Fraunces at the day of her marriage. The residue of all my moveable goodes, debtes and chattelles whatsoever I now have (after my debtes paide my funerall expences donne my legacies performed and this my p(rese)nte testament in all thinges fullfilled) I wholie give and bequeath unto Joane my wife and to my sonne Richard Eveline whom I make my Executors of this p(rese)nt will and last testament.

Allso I entreat and desier my cosen Georg Cole and William Comber gent, to be my overseers trustinge in them and everie of them that they will see my will accomplished as much as in them lieth. And for their paines I give to everie of them the some of three poundes six shillinges eight pence a peece. Theis being Witnesses. William Mathew scr. Further I give to Mary Evelin one hundred poundes to be paide at xxth yeares of age.

George Evelin-Robert Rogers.”

(Will dated Jan. 20, 40 Eliz. ; pr. May 30, 1603, by Thos.Iles, proctor for Joane the relict, power being reserved to Richd Eveline.)

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