The next morning by Sittingbourne, I came to Rochester, and thence to Gravesend, where a light-horseman (as they call it (( According to Smyth’s Sailors Word-Book, this is “ an old
name for the light boat, since named gig.” –AD))) taking us in, we spent our tide as far as Greenwich. From hence, after we had a little refreshed ourselves at the College (for by reason of contagion then in London we balked ((Avoided, gave the go-by to.  –AD)) the inns), we came to London, landing at Arundel stairs ((Arundel Stairs provided access to Arundel House, home of the Earl of Arundel, from the Thames. Austin Dobson writes in a footnote “[the stairs] were at the bottom of Arundel Street, near the present Arundel Hotel.” )). Here I took leave of his Lordship, and retired to my lodgings in the Middle Temple, being about two in the morning, the 14th of October.